October 13, 2018 So it's only been one episode so far I've had to judge from, but I have to say I really like Jodi Whittaker as the thirteenth Doctor. She's clearly a great comic actress, and has both successfully aped the style of several of the recent Doctors (Eccleston, Tennant, and Smith) very well - alternatively scattered, slightly self-deprecating, and deadly serious, able to shift back and forth on a dime (she has clearly studied those actors' style extensively) - yet also injected some flavor unique to her. Peter Capaldi was a much darker Doctor, in a way we hadn't seen since Sylvester McCoy - bitter, sardonic, tired, trying his best to keep on saving a universe he knew damned well didn't appreciate him and wondering how long he could keep this all up. He made you feel every inch of his 2000 year old lifetime. Whittaker represents a departure, a rejuvenation, a Doctor once again excited by life, playful and seeking adventure, in that Matt Smith s...

Meditations on technology, pop-culture and the journey towards geeky mid-life