Dec 16, 2017 Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Review (I sense a great disturbance, as if a thousand spoilers were about to be revealed below…just so you know…) After “The Force Awakens” and “Rogue One” set such a high standard, I was expecting greatness from “The Last Jedi.” Fortunately, I was not disappointed. If anything, the film has taken its place as my second favorite of the series, next to “Empire Strikes Back,” to which “The Last Jedi” is spiritual successor. Much like in “Empire,” much of the film is spent with the heroes on the run from overwhelming odds, not only in physical combat but also in the struggle over who they are and who they want to be. It was a bold move to have most all the characters spend the movie in flight from an inevitably advancing foe, slowly getting worn down and killed off bit by bit. Much like “The Force Awakens,” it called on all manner of Star Wars tropes…and subverted them, in very clever (and often depressing) ways. Finn and Rose’s last...

Meditations on technology, pop-culture and the journey towards geeky mid-life