Review: STAR TREK: BEYOND (or, as I call it, Fear of a Black Galaxy) The nice thing about going into a movie with low expectations is that doing so dramatically increases your chances of having a good experience, and Star Trek: Beyond proved no exception. In many ways I think it is the strongest of the three JJ Abrams reboots, working out some of the kinks and improving on the weaknesses of the previous two, all while keeping the stuff that worked. I have only one large objection, which I can’t reveal without mentioning -- MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD * * * * * Ok, as always, let’s start with the good. Aside from a somewhat slow start, the pacing was excellent, and the action beautifully choreographed (the upside of the “Fast and Furious” guy being your director). There were some lovely tiny details here and there, like the many “swarms” we saw re-iterated on the planet (birds in the distance at one point, bees in a cave) as a reflection of the swam-attack of the...

Meditations on technology, pop-culture and the journey towards geeky mid-life