These days, as a father of two, I see perhaps two movies per year in theaters. Given the hype, and the enthusiasm of friends whose taste I respect, I decided to throw in and make one of those movies James Nolan’s INTERSTELLAR. After 3 hours, I walked out with a definite sense of…meh. I’ll try and unpack that “meh” below, with a warning that there are more than a few spoilers here. IT’S BEEN DONE BEFORE: I’ll just say I have to credit a mainstream Hollywood film with going this highbrow with its plot and concept, although for veteran Scifi show audiences (let ALONE Scifi readers), there was absolutely nothing new here. Star Trek TNG’s episodes “Cause and Effect” and “All Good Things,” or any given episode of Doctor Who (particularly this season’s “The Time Heist”) have all tread pretty much the same ground as the “surprise” revelations in INSTERSTELLAR. I easily called the ending, and pretty much every significant plot twist, less than a full hour into the fil...

Meditations on technology, pop-culture and the journey towards geeky mid-life