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"Stranger Things" in a Strange Land (Season 3 Review - spoilers)

Posted on July 15, 2019  “Stranger Things” in a Strange Land : Review of Season 3 (beware demodogs and spoilers) Like the corrupting tentacles of the Mind Flayer, Season 3 took a little while to grow on me, but it eventually happened. Here's how and why.  Context: Season One of Stranger Things was some of the best television I have ever, ever seen, hitting all the right notes in my perfect-target-audience-mind and soul: 80s culture, particularly nerd culture (calling oneself a “geek” in the 1980s would be anachronistic), and 80s movies in particular. Positively brilliant in the way it both paid homage but also subverted the tropes of those movies.      The characters were well-drawn, the acting top notch, the plot compelling, the suspense heart-pounding, the musical choices inspired and sometimes downright devious…you can  read my full gushing review of Season One here . As complete as Season One felt, Season Two did not disappoin...
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